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Cantabric Region Mallorca & Canarian Islands Valencian Community Catalonia Castilla & La Mancha Andalucia Basque Country Madrid Barcelona Fests & traditions  

Cantabric region

Cantabric, Santiago de Compostela, Santander, Asturias

Galicia: The green lands

Galicia is known in Spain as the "land of the 1000 rivers". Those rivers cross all the region from the mountainous inland to the coast, where they form the characteristical "Rias". The coast itself offers great contrasts, from the smooth beaches of As Mariñas to the dangerous cliffs of Costa de la Muerte, the "coast of death".

The climate of Galicia is tempered, and specially in winter, with minimal temperatures of about 5 degC, quite rainy. During the summer season, maximum temperatures are around 20 degC. Galicia's richdom in water and its Rias are characteristical for its nature. At the area of Rias Altas you will find magnific beaches, impressive towns and beautiful fishing villages. Rías Baixas are worth a visit for their natural preserves and balnearies, as A Toxa. The inland shows green landscapes and romantic villages.

The first cultures which left their tracks in Galicia were Celtic, while Romans left as a legacy the walls of Lugo, the bridge of Ourense, and the Tower of Hercules. Middle Ages were marked by the discovery of the tomb of the Apostle Santiago (Saint James). Thousands of pilgrims made their way to the cathedral of the newly founded town Santiago de Compostela, and the world-famous Way of Santiago (also known as Way of Saint James or Camino Jacobeo), which is flanked with numerous churches, monasteries and chapels of high historical-artistical value, was formed.

Galicia's folklore clearly shows its Celtic and Gaelic origins, and the most characteristical musical instrument is the Gaita (bagpipe). Regional gastronomy is of great reputation for its excellent fish, Empanada Gallega (a typical pie of fish or meat), traditional sweets prepared in some monasteries (where the recipes are kept in secret jalously), and the Ribeiro wine.

Major attractions:

Santiago de Compostela
The capital of Galicia and final destination of the famous pilgimage way is certainly among Spain's most beautiful cities.

A Coruña
This city, of high economical importance, is located at a peninsula. Major attractions include the Romanesque churches, the synagogue and the old quarter which offers an interesting contrast between almost fragile buildings and massive stone palaces.

Galicia's most populated city, with the most important port. The historic quarter is very charming and well preserved.

Lugo is surrounded by Roman walls which are perfectly preserved, and has a beautiful Romanesque cathedral.

Located inland, also has a beautiful Romanesque cathedral.

This province is said to be one of the most beautiful of Spain, thanks to the marvelous landscapes of Rías Baixas. The city itself offers an outstanding monumental center.

Santiago: Town of the Apostle

Santiago de Compostela is the final destination of the legendary medieval way of pilgrimship Camino de Santiago (Way of Saint James), now considered by Unesco a World Heritage Site. Until today it attracts visitors from all over the world thanks to its fantastic monuments. The town is named after the Apostle Saint James ("Santiago"), who is buried here.

Santiago is certainly one of Spain's most monumental towns, with a particular architectonical style all of its own. But it is as well a town plenty of life, with one of the most famous Universities and a large number of students who guarantee youthful ambience inbetween the historical walls. Also the region's cuisine is of great reputation, and it is said that nowhere you can eat better sea-food than in Galicia.

So this is a place with a really varied offer, and one of the great cultural centers of the continent.


Asturias: Mountains paradise

The Principality of Asturias is constituted of a single province, the capital is Oviedo. It is limited by high mountain ranges, Cordillera Cantabrica, where you find some outstanding natural preserves such as Picos de Europa  and the national parks of Covadonga and Somiedo. Asturias is well known for its green landscapes, and just at a few kilometers from high mountain peaks there is the Cantabric coast with great beaches and colorful fishing villages.

Major attractions are the Way of Santiago with its numberless monuments  and the Ruta de la Plata, "silver route", which both lead through Asturias.

Asturias too is the home of ancient rites and beliefs, and this region's popular customs are among the most interesting of Spain. Artisany and gastronomy are of high reputation, you may try excellent sea-food along the coast and, in the mountains, typical dishes such as Fabada, made of a special sort of beans, blood sausage and various cheese specialities, together with a glass of cider.

The Cities:

The region's capital, located more or less at its geographical center, is specially remarkable for its pre-romanic monuments and its great cathedral.

This historic city, founded already by Romans, is today one of the most important sea-ports and offers active cultural life.

Aviles, one of the oldest settlements of the Cantabric area, is of high economical importance too, but conserves as well its traditional style.

All three cities were declared Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO, due to their outstanding monuments.


Cantabria: beautiful sea and mountain

With a surface of 5.300 square kilometers Cantabria offers extremely varied landscapes and climates. In its mountain ranges, Picos de Europa and the natural preserve of Saja, still live bears, wolves and eagles, and the rivers are full of salmons and trouts. Pico de tres Mares ("peak of the three seas") is a real curiosity: a drop of water that falls here may equally arrive to Atlantic Ocean, by Duero river, the Cantabric Sea, by Nansa river, or the Mediterranean Sea by Ebro river.

In total contrast is the coast with beautiful bays and romantic fishing villages. Inbetween you will find green valleys and hills.

The capital, Santander,  is located at a beautiful bay. It is an economically extremely active city with an important port. There is an ample cultural offer, specially remarkable are the Menendez y Pelayo International Summer University, and the International Festival. Santander's great sports facilities make it an ideal place for leisure.

At a few kilometers from the capital there are the medieval town Santillana del Mar, and the highly interesting prehistorical Caves of Altamira. Some other attractions in the surroundings of Santander are the church of Santa Maria de Valverde, or the natural park of Cabarceno, where you will find animals from the five continents in an outstanding and singular landscape.

Finally, Cantabria's colorful popular customs, its artisany and gastronomy make it a holiday destination which certainly will not disappoint.


Suggest: Cantabria, Santander, Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, Galicia, way to Santiago, travels to Asturias, travel to Asturias, La Coruña, Cantabric Sea, Ourense, Pontevedra, Oviedo, Gijón, Cíes Islands, Islas Cíes, La Toja,  ...


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